Why is your dashboard showing "URL is not part of this site"?

Addressing the "URL is not part of this site" issue

The message “URL is not part of this site” indicates that the pages do not belong to your Google Search Console property. This can happen due to several reasons:

Possible Reasons:

- Inconsistent Use of www.: Your Google Search Console property includes www. while your pages do not start with www..

- Domain-Level Property Mismatch: Your Google Search Console property is not a domain-level property. For example, your property might be acme.com while your pages are www.acme.com/blog. In this case, www.acme.com/blog does not fall under the acme.com property.

How to Fix This:

- Use a Domain-Level Property: Ensure that the site being imported from Google Search Console is a domain-level property.

- Correct the www. Prefix: Add or remove the www. prefix in your Google Search Console property as needed to match your actual site URLs.

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