Overview page (Indexing dashboard) explained

Understanding Indexing analytics in detail

WarpIndex provides robust indexing analytics to help you track not only the status of your website indexing but also the reasons preventing your website from getting indexed. Please find details below to understand the Indexing dashboard better. You can access thei sdashboard by clicking on the "Overview" tab on your site's page in WarpIndex.


Indexed pages

This chart shows you the number of pages that have been indexed versus the total pages in the provided sitemaps.

Indexing Status Breakdown

This chart shows you the breakdown of your indexed pages based on indexing status. Please refer to the different indexing status below.

Indexing Error Breakdown

This chart provides insights into the kind of errors that are preventing your pages from getting indexed. The count refers to the number of pages that have the particular error.

Pages table

This lists all the pages present in the provided sitemaps. If any page is missing, please check if you have provided all sitemaps in the Setup tab.

You can search for pages by URLs by typing in the "Filter by url..." field. You can also filter the table based on Indexing status, Submission status, and Error type.

Indexing Status

This column helps you track if your page is indexed or not. It can have the following possible statuses:

  • Awaiting Scan: WarpIndex needs to scan you r page to determine index status and eligibility and is allowed to scan upto 2000 pages per day by Google. This status determines of the page has been scanned by WarpIndex or not.

  • In Progress: The page has been scanned and is either queued or submitted for indexing. Please refer to indexing status to know which status of the two.

  • Indexed: The page has been indexed.

  • Not Indexed (Intentional): The page was intentionally not indexed, either due to no-index tags or exclusion by Robots.txt.

  • Not indexed (Error): The page encountered an error that prevents it from being indexed

Submission Status

This column helps you track the status of submission to the search index. It can have the following possible statuses:

  • Awaiting scan: WarpIndex needs to scan you r page to determine index status and eligibility and is allowed to scan upto 2000 pages per day by Google. This status determines of the page has been scanned by WarpIndex or not.

  • Queued: The page is queued for submission to the index. Time to submission depends on your plan's daily indexing limits.

  • Submitted: he page has been successfully submitted to the search engine for indexing.


This columns shows you the error (if any) that is preventing your page from getting indexed. This requires your intervention and once you address the error, WarpIndex picks up the page to attempt indexing. Following are the possible errors:

  • Redirect: This page automatically sends visitors to a different URL. Google follows the redirect but doesn't index the original page.

  • URL is not part of this site: The URL submitted doesn't belong to your website. It might be an incorrect URL or from a different domain.

  • Not indexed: This page is not included in Google's search index. There could be various reasons, such as low-quality content, duplicate content, or technical issues.

  • Blocked by robots.txt: The robots.txt file on your site prevents Google from accessing this page, so it can't be indexed.Blocked due to unauthorized request (401): This page requires authentication (login), and Google can't access it because it doesn't have the necessary permissions.

  • Blocked due to not found (404): The page doesn't exist on your website. When Google tries to access it, it receives a 404 error indicating the page is missing.

  • Duplicate (User-declared canonical different): This page is a duplicate, and you've specified a different version as the main one (canonical) using a canonical tag.

  • Alternate page with proper canonical tag: This is a variation of a page that correctly points to the main version using a canonical tag. Google understands which version to prioritize.

  • Submitted URL marked 'noindex': You've intentionally marked this page with a noindex tag to prevent it from being included in Google's search index.

  • Duplicate (Submitted URL not selected as canonical): The submitted page is a copy, and Google has chosen a different version as the main one (canonical).

  • Redirect error: There's a problem with the redirect setup for this page. The redirect might be broken or misconfigured.

  • Page indexed without content: This page is in Google's index, but it appears to have no visible or relevant content, possibly due to loading issues or empty page content.

  • Server error (5xx): There's a server issue preventing Google from accessing this page. A 5xx error indicates a problem with the server hosting the page.

  • Blocked by page removal tool: You've used Google's removal tool to block this page from being indexed. It won't appear in search results.

  • Blocked due to access forbidden (403): Google is forbidden from accessing this page because of permission settings, resulting in a 403 error.

  • Soft 404: This page exists but appears to be missing or empty, so Google treats it like a 404 error and doesn't index it.

  • Unknown status: We can't determine the current status of this page. There might be an issue retrieving its information.

  • URL is unknown to Google: Google has not yet discovered this URL.

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